Tuesday, 7 June 2016

WALT: I can use a range of comprehension strategies that I use deliberately and flexibly, depending on my purpose for reading. (Eg: predicting, questioning, synthesising, locating main ideas, summarising…)

Year 9/10 Standard: Assessment task
WALT: I can use a range of comprehension strategies that I use deliberately and flexibly, depending on my purpose for reading. (Eg: predicting, questioning, synthesising, locating main ideas, summarising…)
Complete both texts and write the answers in your own words.

TASK 1: Cold Water Survival
The purpose of this task is to read to retrieve information from a text. Read the text 
below and answer the questions in your own words
Cold Water Survival
A person who finds him or herself in cold water should not remove any clothing, except for a heavy item such as an overcoat.
A person wearing a life jacket can increase survival time by using the Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP). This is where the knees are bent and drawn towards the chest, and the arms are pressed firmly against the sides of the chest. This position delays heat loss by protecting the most vulnerable areas: the head, the sides of the chest, and the groin.
In rough, cold water, an average swimmer without a life jacket should not swim a distance greater than one-tenth of his or her swimming ability. If the swimmer is close to the wreckage of a boat, he or she should attempt to climb onto the boat and should maintain warmth by tucking themselves into a ball.
The 'huddle' position is based on the same principle as the HELP position and was developed for groups of three or more people. The sides of the chest, the groin, and the lower body are pressed together. This formation is particularly useful if small children are involved, as they can be supported, protected, and warmed in the centre of the group.
If swimmers must stay in deep water without a life jacket for a long period, they should remain as still as possible, conserving energy and, if possible, staying in a tucked position. As the bodies core temperature drops, it will become increasingly difficult for swimmers to make sensible decisions. Purposeful muscle movements (e.g., swimming or holding onto a boat) become difficult, and people may be unaware of their situation.
A person with a extremely low body temperature (hypothermia) must always be handled very gently and re-warmed slowly. If the person is conscious, do the following:
  • Remove the person from the water.
  • Shelter him or her from the wind and rain immediately.
  • Create a sheltered, warm, dry place.
  • Remove wet clothing and wrap the person in blankets, space blankets, or a sleeping bag.
  • Huddle together for warmth so body temperature can rise gradually.
  • Give the person warm, sweet drinks.
  • Seek medical aid.
Do not do any of the following:
  • Apply excessive external heat (e.g., fire or an electric blanket) to the person's body.
  • Massage the person's arms and legs.
  • Give them alcohol.
  • Move them.
Write the three areas of the body for which the "Help" position assists in delaying heat loss.
1.bent knees drawn to their chest
2. the groin, and the lower body are pressed together.
3.tucking themselves into a ball.
Imagine your boat has capsized in rough sea conditions and you are by the boat and 200 metres from shore. What would be the best thing to do? B Climb onto the capsized boat
(A) Try to swim to the shore
(B) Climb onto the capsized boat
(C) Adopt the "Help" position
(D) Call for help
Two advantages of the "huddle" position are:
1.it is very useful for small children
2.it preserves body heat
Two key things to do if you are in deep cold water without a life jacket are:
1.cuddle up into a ball.
2. preservere as much energy as possible
As hypothermia sets in two effects will be noted. These are
1.extremely low body temperature
2.The bodies core temperature drops

TASK 2: Sneakers
TASK 2 - read the text about Sneakairs

TEXT: EasyJet's Smart "Sneakairs" Makes Sightseeing Effortless

What I already know about navigating with maps?
  • They have N,S,W,E on them
  • They help you when you are lost
  • Before you create a map you have to scout the area
Who created “Senakairs?”?
The rubber company created senakairs
How do the “Sneakairs” work?
  • You set your destination then if you need to turn right it will viabrate
How do “Sneakairs” help tourists visiting a new city or town?
  • they can go round with out getting lost so the roads don't get conjested
  • They help them get around your city and it can get them fit.
What challenge does easyJet need to overcome before “Sneakairs” can go mainstream?
  • Make the vibration something else because the owner could make a wrong turn and then they will have a long  way to get to the destination.
Can you think of any other uses for smart shoes like Sneakairs? - (give at least 2)
  • In the future they could have a little projector in the toe so you can watch things
  • Make the shoes waterproof and ad a different way to navigate.
Can you think of a better invention than Sneakairs to help us navigate places? Why is that invention better than Sneakairs?
  • have some pants  that have a navigation system in them and if you have to turn it will give you a bit of a tap on your leg

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